
#Question 1

bb = read_csv('../data/uscities.csv')%>%
  filter(city == "Palo")%>%
  st_as_sf(coords = c("lng","lat"),crs=4326)%>%

#Question 2

bbwgs = bb %>% st_transform(4326)
bb = st_bbox(bbwgs)

scene=lsat_scenes() %>%
  filter(min_lat<= bb$ymin, max_lat >= bb$ymax) %>%
  filter(min_lon<= bb$xmin, max_lon >= bb$xmax) %>%
  filter(as.Date(acquisitionDate) == as.Date("2016-09-26"))

write.csv(scene,file="../data/palo-flood.csv",row.names = FALSE)

meta = read_csv("../data/palo-flood.csv")

files = lsat_scene_files(meta$download_url) %>% 
  filter(grepl(paste0("B",1:6,".TIF$",collapse = "|"),file)) %>% 
  arrange(file) %>% 

st = sapply(files, lsat_image)

s = stack(st) %>% setNames(c(paste0("band", 1:6)))

cropper = bbwgs %>% st_transform(crs(s))

r = crop(s, cropper)

#The dimensions of the stack is 7811 and 7681. The crs is WGS84. The resolution is 30 and 30.
#The dimensions of the crop is 340 and 346. The crs is WGS84. The resolution is  30 and 30.


coastal = r$band1
blue = r$band2
green = r$band3
red = r$band4
nir = r$band5
swir = r$band6

par(mfrow = c(1,2))

#Natural Color
plotRGB(r,r = 4,g = 3,b = 2)
#color infrared
plotRGB(r,r = 5,g = 4,b = 3)

#False color water focus
plotRGB(r,r = 5,g = 6,b = 4)
#Own Choice
plotRGB(r,r = 6,g = 5,b = 2)

plotRGB(r,r = 4,g = 3,b = 2,stretch = "hist")
plotRGB(r,r = 5,g = 4,b = 3,stretch = "lin")

plotRGB(r,r = 5,g = 6,b = 4,stretch = "hist")
plotRGB(r,r = 6,g = 5,b = 2,stretch = "lin")

#Different color stretch determines the demonstration of the values in the map. The emphasis and foucs might be various.


ndvi = (nir - red)/(nir + red)
ndwi =(green - nir)/(green + nir)
mndwi = (green - swir)/(green + swir)
wri = (green + red)/(nir + swir)
swi = 1/sqrt(blue - swir)

stack_5 = stack(ndvi, ndwi, mndwi, wri, swi) %>%
  setNames(c("NDVI", "NDWI", "MNDWI", "WRI", "SWI"))

plot(stack_5, col = colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white", "red"))(256))

#All the images, except the SWI, show the skeleton of the city area and the river areas. All of them demonstrate the relationship between land area and the water area, but they use different representations of colors. THe NDVI and NDWI have multiple colors to show different areas, and MNDWI and WRI both have roughly two colors to show land and water area. The SWI only have blue color to show the water area.

thresholding1= function(x){ifelse(x <= 0,1,NA)}
thresholding2= function(x){ifelse(x >= 0,1,NA)} 
thresholding3= function(x){ifelse(x >= 0,1,NA)} 
thresholding4= function(x){ifelse(x >= 1,1,NA)}
thresholding5= function(x){ifelse(x <= 5,1,NA)}

flood1= calc(ndvi,thresholding1)
flood2= calc(ndwi,thresholding2) 
flood3= calc(mndwi,thresholding3)
flood4= calc(wri,thresholding4)
flood5= calc(swi,thresholding5)

flood_stack = stack(flood1, flood2, flood3, flood4, flood5) %>%
setNames(c("NDVI", "NDWI", "MNDWI", "WRI", "SWI"))
plot(flood_stack, col = 



values <- getValues(r)
## [1] 117640      6
values = na.omit(values)
# The results show the matrix of 117640 by 6. Each row contains the data for a cell.

kmeans = kmeans(values, 12, iter.max = 100)

kmeans_r = stack_5$NDVI
values(kmeans_r) = kmeans$cluster


values2 = values(flood2)
table(values2, values(kmeans_r))
## values2    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12
##       1    0    2    0    0    0    0    0   29    1 7180    0    0
valuemax = which.max(table1[2,])

thresh = function(x) {ifelse(x == valuemax, 0, 1)}
flood = calc(kmeans_r, thresh) 

newflood = addLayer( flood_stack, flood)
names(newflood)[6] = "K Means"

plot(newflood, col = 


kabletable = cellStats(flood_stack, sum)
knitr::kable(kabletable, caption = "Flooded Cells", col.names = c("Cells"))
Flooded Cells
NDVI 6666
NDWI 7212
MNDWI 11939
WRI 8469
SWI 15201
kabletable_m =kabletable * 900
knitr::kable(kabletable_m, caption = "Area of Flooded Cells (meters squared)", col.names = c("Flooded Area"))
Area of Flooded Cells (meters squared)
Flooded Area
NDVI 5999400
NDWI 6490800
MNDWI 10745100
WRI 7622100
SWI 13680900
p_1 =calc(flood_stack, function(x){sum(x)})

plot(p_1,col = blues9)