In the summer of 2020 I took a class GIS course based in R. I worte some code, and did some cool data science. Here is a collection of links!
- I build a static users site with Github Pages for the first time.
- Learning to combine texts with supplements, such as links and graphs.
- Choosing personal settings of this website.
- reading in data using readr
- manipulating data and tables
- ggplot to show the result
- use sf to manipulate data for further edition
- showing the targeted result with gghighlight
- filter the targeted data to analyze the boundry
- make different centroids for different tessellations
- using tessellations to represent different forms
- using the making functions
- combinning the raster data
- showing different forms with various colors
- analyzing kmeans
- open street tools
- using the whitebox tool to draw image
- analyze the real situation of flood
- generating the realistic map